Monday 14 November 2016

Book Buddies

Description: This term we have been carrying on with book buddies. If you missed my post from last term don't bother trying to find it cause why don't I just save u some time and tell u what book buddies is. Book Buddies is a program as I would say that you have a buddy and u read/study the same book and then u read some of it at a time and follow up with ur buddy and then u talk about the book and what u think of whats going on so far in the book eg: what do u like? what don't u like? what do u think is going to happen next? etc.

I'm Book Buddies with Katie again this term like last term and we are reading a book called "My Friend The Enemy. This book was written by the same author who wrote My Brothers Secret which if u didn't already know it was the book that Katie and I read 4 book buddies last term (BTW u should read it cause its a very good book so read it) Our goal is to make connections.

Book Buddies Slide:

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